
Monday, March 2, 2015

Read Across America Day!

Wow, what an exciting afternoon we had!  To celebrate "Read Across America Day," we attended a school-wide assembly.  During the assembly, Mr. Nozik read aloud If I Ran the Zoo  by Dr. Seuss after we sang Happy Birthday to Dr. Seuss!  Then, we learned about why animals should not be held in captivity and what we can do to protect their habitats.  We got to see and learn about a snake, bearded dragon, macaw, kangaroo, chinchilla, and tortoise.  This was the kick-off to the 2014 "One Book One Community" event.  Tonight, your child will bring home The One and Only Ivan.  Please encourage them to participate by reading the daily assigned pages included in their packet.  We also kicked off the 3rd Grade "Read to Feed" campaign.  During the month of March, we challenge students to collect pledges for each book they read.  These pledges are donated to the Rocky Hill Food Bank.  In the past, we collected nearly $2,000 to donate!  While students are not required to collect money, students must read and log their books as part of their homework assignment.  Happy reading, enjoy Ivan!  

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