
Monday, March 16, 2015

"It's Monday...What Are You Reading?"

We are wrapping up our Biography genre study!  In book clubs, students collaboratively developed a Google Presentation based on notes they took while reading texts on their "person of study."  On Friday, the class did an excellent job presenting on the person they studied in book clubs.  Ask your child if you can check it out at home in their account!  It was neat to hear about each person and learn why they have a Biography written about them.  This week, we are wrapping up our Biography study with a mini study of Jacques Cousteau.  We are reading Manfish over the next few days, then The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau.  We will compare and contrast our learning from the two texts, and add knowledge we obtain from the Cousteau website.  Ask your child what character traits they would use to describe Jacques Cousteau!

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