
Monday, November 24, 2014

"It's Monday...What Are You Reading?"

Today, we wrapped up our unit on Antarctica by reading about a "Whale of a Debate."  We read the article "Sea Hunt," featured in Time For Kids magazine.  The article discussed two points of view on hunting whales in Antarctica, including both the Japanese (pro) and the IWC (International Whaling Commission-con) points of view.  In our class, most students sided with the IWC, but three students thought Japan was right for hunting whale for scientific research, food, and as an oil resource.  Which would you side with?  In addition to reading critically and debating a point of view, students were also exposed to digital text features, including video links, voice recordings of the text, and vocabulary boxes.  Wow, what a great job our class did with 21st century reading skills!   

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