
Monday, May 19, 2014

"It's Monday...What Are You Reading?"

Today I have two great books to share with you!  The first one is a collection of poetry that we will study throughout the week as part of our morning work.  It is from a book called Mirror Mirror and it features poetry written in "reversible verse."  Ask your child what this means!  Today we read "In Reverse," which introduces the craft of the book to readers.  Throughout the rest of the week, we will read, study, and reread "Cinderella's Double Life," as another exposure to a version of Cinderella and two different point of views on the fairy tale.  At Reader's Workshop time, we started the book The Egyptian Cinderella.  As we read this text we are noticing how culture impacts the setting, characters, archetypes, and events of a fairy tale.  Throughout this week, our focus will be noticing cultural effects on fairy tales.  Happy Reading!   

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