
Monday, April 21, 2014

"It's Monday...What Are You Reading?"

This week we are continuing our genre unit of study on Social Change.  We will be studying the life of Jackie Robinson throughout the week by reading a variety of non-fiction and literary non-fiction texts.  Today we started with Teammates.  This is a book about Jackie's start in the Major Leagues with the help of Branch Rickey and teammate Pee Wee Reese.  The book describes Jackie Robinson as a hero for not only breaking the color barrier in baseball, but for enduring the abusive fans in the stadium while he played.  We will also read Testing the Ice, a TFK biography on Jackie Robinson, Promises to Keep, and A Negro League Scrapbook.  We will compare and contrast the information that we learn in each text.  We will also study digit resources, including Jackie Robinson's official website, photos, and videos.   

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