
Monday, March 24, 2014

"It's Monday…What Are You Reading?"

Today we started our next genre study, "Reading for Social Change."  This unit will involve reading a variety of literary non-fiction and non-fiction stories about people who have worked to change the world.  We discussed how these stories will have common themes (lessons).  We also connected this genre study to our last unit of study on Biographies, in which both genres include books written with the intention to share a story about a person who made a difference.  We started today by revisiting Here's My Dollar, the story that kicked off our Read to Feed campaign!  Keep reading and raising money for the hungry!  Upcoming stories will include City Green, A Castle on Viola Street (a literary non-fiction story about a family involved with Habitat for Humanity), and Beatrice's Goat (a literary non-fiction story about Heifer International.) 

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