
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Webinar in Antarctica!

Today we participated in a webinar in Antarctica, organized by writers of Time for Kids.  Students listened to scientists live from Antarctica.  These scientists described the habitat and answered questions sent in by students!  We learned a lot of new information that coincides with our habitats unit!  Here is our new learning notes from the webinar:
• The scientists sleep in tents
• The scientists build igloos (snow caves) by covering bags of clothes
with snow, then removing bags of clothes
• Trained to build igloos for safety
• Scientists wear “white bunny boots” to protect their feet
• There are no polar bears in Antarctica
• Arctic and Antarctica are different places. The Arctic is the North
Pole; Antarctica is the South Pole
• No Native people on the continent
• The coldest recorded temperature was -128 degrees Fahrenheit
• Some penguins don’t like ice (terrestrial penguins)
• Temperatures are still below freezing temperatures (30 degrees F
• There are 200 different kinds of penguins
• Antarctica is a desert (due to the amount of precipitation and extreme
• Adelie penguins make their nests out of rocks on dry land
• There are no countries that own Antarctica; it is set up for peaceful
research and science
• The sun never goes down in the summer; scientists sleep during the
daytime hours

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