
Monday, November 4, 2013

"It's Monday...What Are You Reading?"

We are continuing our Navigating Non-Fiction unit of study with a focus on Arctic animals.  Today, we discussed how good non-fiction readers approach a non-fiction text.  Our strategies include:

1.  Read the title closely.  Read and think about the author.
2.  Look for a summary.  Read it.
3.  Read and think about the Table of Contents.  Predict!
4.  Preview the text:  look carefully at text features.
5.  Read and code the text.
6.  Use the glossary to look up words you don't know the meaning of.  Use the index to look up information on specific topics. 

Students practiced this approach in their book clubs with three different books, including: The Blue Whales of Antarctica, The Weddell Seals, and The Wandering Albatross.  Ask your child about the book he or she is reading!!!   

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