
Monday, October 14, 2013

"It's Monday...What Are You Reading?"

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and read some good books!  My family and I enjoyed the beautiful weather and spent most of our time outdoors!  On Saturday, we went to the UConn homecoming football game.  This was exciting as I am a two-time UConn alumni, for both my Bachelor's Degree and 6th Year Certificate.  On Sunday we enjoyed time raking leaves and jumping around in them.  On Monday, we went to the park and of course, fit in lots of good reads!  Here is Camryn exploring our shelf that I filled with fall and Halloween books!  Brooklyn's favorite is Jerry Pallotta's Who Will Haunt My House on Halloween?  Be sure to check out his really neat website, too! 
Camryn choosing a good book!  You're never too young to start reading!

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